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      From report on Farmers' Weekly website:

      Dwindling oil stocks and EU trade and energy policies threaten food price hikes and could cause food shortages in the UK, according to a new report by Green Party Euro-MP Caroline Lucas. The report calls on the government to establish a Royal Commission on Food Security to examine the issue. … “Future oil price rises will have a massive impact on food security, and unless we address the problem now, we could face the prospect of food shortages in the UK – one of Europe's largest food importers – and the possibility of starvation in some developing countries,” said Dr Lucas. The report warns that we must change energy, trade and agriculture policies at an EU level if we are to avoid a food crisis precipitated by ‘Peak Oil’ – the point at which half of global oil production has been consumed, and beyond which extraction goes into irreversible decline, and prices rise accordingly.

      Report claims high oil prices threaten UK food security

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