Highly pathogenic bird flu variants mostly evolve in intensive poultry farming

Highly pathogenic bird flu variants evolve from regular, low pathogenic, bird flus, within intensive poultry farming.
Wildlife, wild places, photography - plus Wild Scenes Hong Kong store
Wildlife, wild places, photography - plus Wild Scenes Hong Kong store
Highly pathogenic bird flu variants evolve from regular, low pathogenic, bird flus, within intensive poultry farming.
Birds are wonderful, but also face an array of threats, mostly resulting from human activities - hunting, habitat loss, climate change...
Two star Hong Kong bird species are Black-faced Spoonbill and Spoon-billed Sandpiper, with stories reflecting changes to east Asian wetlands.
I’m not quite so sure now, but I also think you appreciate living in a world where there are places of outstanding natural beauty, and where tigers prowl jungles, polar bears hunt on Arctic ice floes, pandas roam bamboo forests, and sharks patrol reefs, helping keep ecosystems in balance. If you have children, you hope they and their children can grow and live in a similar world.
This past summer, a team of biologists scoured Siberian tundra in search of nests and eggs of one of the world's most threatened species, spoon-billed sandpiper. Aim was for captive breeding; yet this is far from ideal way of saving species.
Birds may undertake marathon flights using astonishing navigation skills – yet are threatened by careless habitat destruction
On wind farms and actual or possible threats to migratory birds, including in China.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and conservation Bone of Tiger, Bile of Bear In the Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a museum devoted to “Chinese Materia Medica”. Were I to take you in there, I might ask you to close your eyes. No, I wouldn’t tell you…
Taman Negara – rainforest national park in Malaysia Breakfast with hornbills Early morning at Taman Negara Resort. I stand with a group of birdwatchers gathered by a cluster of chalets, and peer into a tree. Unperturbed by the resort staff and other early risers strolling below, various birds…
When Pan learned how close giant pandas were to extinction, he knew he had to help these engaging creatures.
Domingo Tadena: Captive breeding Philippine eagles
Notions that migratory birds are responsible for spreading the New n Nasty H5N1 Bird Flu Variant around Asia are quackers (chiefly looking at 2003/2004 outbreaks)
Info and links re bird flu, especially the nasty H5N1 variant in Asia
People working to save the remaining forests of Borneo, described by Charles Darwin as, "One great untidy luxuriant hothouse made by nature."
With a 6.5-foot wingspan, the Philippine eagle is the only bird of prey with blue-grey eyes. Efforts are underway to save it from extinction.
Local officials figured they’d have no problems switching logging operations to another tract of forest. Enter Xi Zhinong.
Gurney's Pitta back from oblivion
Hunting and habitat destruction have brought these magnificent cats perilously close to extinction. Can the most threatened of the sub-species claw its way back? The scratch marks on the tree high in the mountains of Hunan province, south central China, are barely discernible today: four thin vertical lines…
Catfish at fish farm in Java fed dead chickens - helping show integrated fish farming may play role in spreading H5N1 bird flu.
Deep Bay wetland, Hong Kong - internationally important, especially for water birds