Letter to President Jokowi about Indonesia’s Terrible Devastating Bird Trade

Dear President Joko Widodo:

I see in an article you would like to have more wild birds in, say, Bogor Botanical Garden.



But why not across all Java, where it is very hard to find wild birds in most places, even in beautiful countryside?

As you know, the wild bird trade – which you support – is the main reason even usually common birds are rare in too much of Indonesia.

I have visited Indonesia several times; I love watching wild birds, and to me it’s heartbreaking how rare birds are across Java, even Sumatra [I went last month].

Here’s a video I made of Pramuka bird market. It is not news that the bird trade is devastating bird populations.

Pasar Burung Jakarta; Pramuka, Agustus 2024

Indonesia adalah neraka dunia untuk burung liar

Jakarta Bird Market; Pramuka, August 2024

Indonesia’s Hell on Earth for Wild Birds 

Di Jawa – Pulau di mana Burung-burung Biasa Jarang Ditemukan

On Java – Island Where Common Birds are Rare


I’m British; and one of the great British conservationists – Peter Scott – used to hunt wild ducks and geese, but decided to devote his life protecting wildlife.

If you indeed love song birds, maybe you too can do much more to protect them in the wild.

And then, many millions of Indonesian people can know the joy of having wild birds living around them – singing, calling; and even eating insects and more that are pests of crops and trees…

Instead of cage bird contests, maybe contests for photos of wild birds across Indonesia? Celebrate the wonders of wild birds!

Yours sincerely,

Dr Martin Williams 

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