Hong Kong Loves Cum

Now, I know there are proper uses for the word “cum”, and it can appear classy in text, as you might appear smart by dropping magna cum laudae into a sentence (I just looked it up, and find it means “with great praise”); and it’s strictly correct to use cum for a sort of combo.

BUT – and this is indeed a big but – there is also a widespread use of the word cum that is far from highbrow. If you’re not sure, just try googling “cum” and you should readily find results related to ejaculation, websites such as Cum Porn Videos and much, much more.

Cum Talk & Dinner – err, not sure that seems so appetising

Yet Hong Kong seems broadly oblivious to the use of English worldwide, and “cum” gets tossed around with wild abandon; evidently as a translation of Chinese character, 暨. See above, for instance. I posted about this on Facebook, and a friend kindly commented with the following:

Anyone fancy tasting these dumplings?

If aiming for an international event, maybe use “and” in place of “cum”, to indicate you are not oblivious to English usage in many places outside Hong Kong?

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