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Story of Pseudo Environmentalism in Industrial Society.
A Serial Killer with endless supply of ammunition goes on the rampage in the city…..The Police are informed…..They arrive on the scene…..They do not try to stop or capture the shooter…..They do not try to kill or incapacitate the shooter…..They allow him to continue shooting……They give him full liberty to move around all over the city.
The Police focus on the victims of shooting…..They take them to Hospitals and try to save them with the help of best Technology / Health Care…..The Government sets up thousands of Organizations to do research on how the Whites can be saved, How the Blacks can be saved, How the Asians can be saved, How the Young can be saved, How the Elderly can be saved…..The Government gives Billions of Dollars of Grant to "Think Tanks" and NGO's to find out how the victims can be saved…..People of the city engage in Billions of pages of Discussion, Debate and Argument to find a solution to the problem.
This is not the story of the Mass Shooter…..This is the story of Environmentalism in Industrial Society.
Environment is being destroyed by Industrial Activity……..Environmental Activists and Organizations are trying to save environment without stopping Industrial Activity
One group is trying to save Forests……The second group is trying to save Rivers……The third group is trying to save Oceans……The fourth group is trying to make the Air clean……The fifth group is trying to save Tigers and Elephants……The sixth group is trying to save Whales and Dolphins.
Industrial Technology has destroyed environment……..Industrial Society is trying to save environment by changing the Technology.
Bring this Technology, Bring that Technology……..Bring this Technology, Bring that Technology.
Height of Insanity and Abnormality……This is like trying to save a victim of shooting not by stopping the shooting but by changing the gun.
Why don't people realize the futility and absurdity of their efforts……It is impossible to save animals, trees, air, water and land without stopping all Industrial Activity.
What is the point in saving a few Dogs, Cats, Whales, Tigers and Elephants when Industrial Society is killing billions of animals in Industrial Slaughter Houses and billions of Wild Animals in Forests by destroying Forests with Industrial Activities like Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Construction Industry, Energy Generation Industry, Manufacturing Industry, millions of kilometers of Rail and Road Networks and ever expanding Towns and Cities…….Industrial Society is also killing billions of fish in the oceans with Industrial Fishing and through discharge of billions of tonnes of Industrial Waste into oceans which has made them poisonous, acidic, warmer and created oxygen-deprived dead zones in the oceans.
It is impossible to save Air, water and Land without stopping all Industrial Activity because Industrial Activity is killing them with trillions of tonnes of Metal waste, Plastic waste, Gaseous waste, Chemical waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste…….Industrial Activity produces trillions of tonnes of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Waste and there are only three places on earth where all this waste can go….Air, water and Soil…..There is no fourth place on earth where this waste can go…… It is impossible for Rivers, Oceans, Atmosphere and Soil to be clean in Industrial Society.
This planet can only sustain a Hunter_Gatherer Society or an Agrarian Society……Not an Industrial Society.
All Environmentalism is Pseudo-Environmentalism in Industrial Society…….It is impossible to save environment in an Industrial Society.
It is impossible to save environment in Industrial Society because Industrialization itself is the cause of environmental destruction………In a non-industrial society environmentalism was not even needed…….In the absence of Industrial Activity environment got saved automatically because only limited destruction of environment was possible without Industrial Machines.
Environment has been destroyed by Industrial Activity……..Trying to save environment without stopping Industrial Activity is like ..
Trying to save a victim of shooting by shooting him even more.
Trying to save a victim of stabbing by stabbing him even more.
Trying to save a victim of poisoning by giving him even more poison.
Height of Insanity, Abnormality and Criminality…….You cannot save environment by destroying more of it.
Industrial Society has been destroying Extra environment for 250 years……..It has been destroying environment for "thousands of consumer goods and services" in addition to food, clothing and shelter.
You cannot save a person after killing him…….You cannot save environment after it has been killed by Industrial Activity.
The entire Industrial Society deserves the Nobel Prize for Lunacy for pretending that environment is getting saved when the reality is that Industrial Society has been destroying extra environment after industrialization and has destroyed so much extra environment in 250 years that there is hardly any environment left to save.
What is the Result of 50 years of Environmentalism/ Pseudo Environmentalism in Industrial Society???
Industrial Society has been killing millions of times more Animals, Trees, Air, Water and Land than Pre-Industrial Society every day for several decades.
Industrial Society has been killing millions of acres of Forests with Industrial Activity every day for several decades.
Industrial Society has been killing Billions of Animals in Industrial Slaughter Houses every day for several decades.
Industrial Society has been killing millions of Wild Animals by destroying the Forests where they live with Industrial Activity every day for several decades.
Industrial Society has been killing Air, Water and Soil with billions of tonnes of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Industrial Waste every day for several decades…..Industrial Society has been killing Rivers, Oceans, Air/ Atmosphere and Soil/ Land with Billions of Tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic waste, Gaseous waste, Chemical Waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste every day for several decades.
Industrial Society has been killing Millions of Acres of Fertile Soil with Cement, Concrete and Asphalt every day for several decades.
All this Killing / Destruction was absent in Pre-Industrial Society without any Environmentalism.
All Environmentalism in Industrial Society is Pseudo Environmentalism.
No environment is getting saved in Industrial Society…..Not an iota of environment is getting saved.
How can environment ever be saved in Industrial Society when Industrial Activity itself is the cause of environmental destruction….Environment can only be saved in a Non-Industrial Society.
Industrial Society has created hundreds of unnecessary / futile occupations to solve the problems created by Industrialization…..Environmental Activism is one of them…..If thousands of organizations and millions of activists are trying to save environment in Industrial Society it does not mean that environment is getting saved…..There have been three human societies on earth …..Hunter_Gatherer, Agrarian and Industrial…..In Hunter_Gatherer Society there was no Urban Population, entire population was engaged in searching for food…..In Agrarian Society less than 2% of population was Urban, Most of the population was engaged in producing food…..In Industrial Society 50% of world population is producing food for entire population , the remaining 50% population is Urban which has created hundreds of unnecessary occupations to keep itself occupied….. People would go crazy without work…. Environmentalism / Environmental Activism is one such profession [occupation]……[Other unnecessary and destructive professions in Industrial Society include Manufacturing and Marketing of thousands of consumer goods and services, Jobs in Tourism Industry, Entertainment Industry, Sports Industry, Military Industrial Complex and several other jobs]….No Environmentalism was needed in Hunter_Gatherer and Agrarian Societies because in the absence of Industrial Activity only limited destruction of environment was possible, so environment got saved automatically.
If billions of pages of environmental discussion is taking place in Industrial Society it does not mean that environment is getting saved……Endless Discussion, Debate and Argument is a Disease and Insanity of Industrial Society that invented the Printing Press, Radio, Television and Internet…..Animal Species and Hunter_Gatherer Society did not save environment through discussion…..They didn't even have a language for discussion…..Billions of pages of Discussion, Debate and Argument is another harmful waste of Industrial Society just like Billions of Tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical waste, Gaseous Waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste.
All Environmentalism in Industrial Society is Pseudo Environmentalism.
No environment is getting saved in Industrial Society…..Not an iota of environment is getting saved.
The one and only cause of environmental destruction is Industrialization.
Overpopulation and Overconsumerism are consequences / by-products of Industrialization.
Without Industrialization there would be no overpopulation and no overconsumerism.
Industrialization, Overpopulation and Overconsumerism happen together…….Industrialization, Overpopulation and Overconsumerism happen at the same time.
It is Industrialization that has led to a population of 7 billion…..Not overbreeding.
The entire world was overbreeding before Industrialization…..The entire world is underbreeding after Industrialization.
There used to be 5 – 15 children per family all over the world before Industrialization and yet world population reached only 1 billion till 1800 AD……After Industrialization the family size reduced drastically, most families are now having 1 – 4 children and yet world population jumped from 1 billion to 7 billion in just about 200 years.
If Industrialization had not happened world population would be less than 2 billion today.
India and China have large populations today because they started with larger populations thousands of years ago since ancient civilizations thrived in these regions…..What was the population of Europe and America 2000 years ago????…..Was it comparable with the population of India and China???? …..And once again, In the absence of Industrialization India and China would not be having large populations today.
If Industrialization had not happened, High death rate would have kept population of the world under control….Diseases caused by virus and bacteria would have kept population under control…..Feeding capacity of soil would have kept population under control….Shortage of food and water would have kept population under control…..Harsh Climatic Conditions would have kept population under control – People would not have been able to live in regions that are too hot or too cold.
If Industrialization had not happened this planet would have been in very good condition today…..There would be no overpopulation, no overconsumerism and only limited urbanization.
A Non-Industrial Society would have destroyed some ecosystems on the land [Forests] but Marine Ecology [Oceans] would have been almost 100% safe today……Forest Cover would be much greater than what it is now….Millions of species on the land and in the sea would not have been decimated and would be thriving with very healthy populations……This planet would be free of Billions of Tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical waste, Gaseous Waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste…..The Oceans wouldn't have become Acidic, Warmer and Oxygen Deprived because of Industrial Waste.
It is consumerism that destroys environment, Not population.
A Hunter_Gatherer Society of 7 billion would have destroyed very little environment…… because it would have destroyed environment only for food……not for thousands of consumer goods and services.
An Agrarian Society of 7 billion would have destroyed very little environment [compared to an Industrial Society of 7 billion]…… because it would have destroyed environment only for food, clothing and shelter…….not for thousands of consumer goods and services.
[By the way, A Hunter_Gatherer Society would have never reached a population of 7 billion……An Agrarian Society would have never reached a population of 7 billion]
Environment has been destroyed by Industrialization/ Consumerism…….Not by Population/ Overpopulation.
Total World Population has not increased ……It has decreased……In fact total world population has been decimated.
When we talk about population we should take into account population of all animal species on earth, not just human population.
Industrial Society has decimated millions of Animal Species……Increase in human population has coincided with decrease/ decimation of millions of animal species…. The total burden of population on this planet has not increased…..It has decreased.
Industrial Society has decimated millions of other species……There was a time when the combined population of other animal species was much greater than present human population…..and we don't even need to include smaller animals in this count…..The combined population of big animals alone whose size and weight was equivalent to or greater than man was much greater than current human population of 7 billion.
The amount of food this animal population was eating was much greater than the food consumed by humans today…….Yet millions of animal species did not destroy environment and lived sustainably on earth for millions of years……because they destroyed environment only for food and not for thousands of consumer goods and services.
If animals had started a consumerist "Industrial Society" millions of years ago they would have destroyed all ecosystems millions of years ago.
The entire world has been trying to control human population for 50 years and these efforts should / will continue in future… where is the problem with population?????
It is so ridiculous of Industrial Society to complain about overpopulation when it itself is the cause of overpopulation……It is so ridiculous of Industrial Society to make attempts to control population while promoting Consumerism, Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP exponentially.
This planet can only sustain a Non-Industrial Society.
If Urban Society stops all its supplies to Villages……Electricity, Oil, Machinery and Equipment, Villagers will survive forever.
If Villages stop all their supplies to Cities……Food Grains and Vegetables, Urban Population will die within a month.
[ Villagers need Electricity, Oil, Machinery and Equipment to produce food for the Urban Population , They would not need these things to produce food for themselves]
Urban Population is engaged in Unnecessary Work, Meaningless Work, Futile Work and Destructive Work which has led to destruction of most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems on earth.
For millions of years "Searching For Food" / "Producing Food" were the primary occupations of almost the entire human population in Hunter_Gatherer and Agrarian Society.
There is Zero chance of saving the little environment that is left without fixing the problem of "Urban Population".
Animal Species had Zero Percent Urban Population…….Hunter_Gatherer Society had Zero Percent Urban Population…….Agrarian Society had less than Two Percent Urban Population…….All these societies sustained for millions of years collectively.
The current Industrial Society which has 50% Urban Population worldwide has destroyed most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems in just 250 years after Industrial Revolution…….Industrial Activity has been promoted by Urban Population……Industrial Activity has been promoted by people who do not produce food.
This planet can sustain Animal Species…..It can sustain Hunter_Gatherer Human Society……It can sustain Agrarian Human Society……It cannot sustain Industrial Human Society.
This planet can only sustain food producing societies where almost the entire population is engaged in food production……It cannot sustain an Industrial Society where 50% of world population is growing food for entire population and the remaining 50% living in cities is promoting Industrial Activity.
Animals saved environment for millions of years because they destroyed it only for food…..Hunter_Gatherer Society saved environment because it destroyed environment only for food…..Agrarian Society saved environment because it destroyed environment only for food, clothing and shelter.
Industrial Society has destroyed most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems because it destroyed environment for "Thousands of consumer goods and services" in addition to food, clothing and shelter.
In the Animal Kingdom, Hunter_Gatherer Society and Agrarian Society almost the entire population was engaged in "Searching for Food" / "Growing Food".
It is the Urban Population that is engaged in and promoting Industrial Activity ……Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Energy Generation Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Transportation Industry, Construction Industry, Recycling Industry, Oil Drilling, Oil Refining, Millions of kilometers of Rail & Road network, Air Routes and Shipping Lanes…..They all destroy environment……All Industrial Activity must be stopped.
Food, clothing and shelter……These are the maximum number of things this planet can provide to humans……The only way to save the remaining environment is by reorganizing the entire population so that food production remains the only primary activity just like it was for millions of years before Industrialization.
This planet cannot sustain an Industrial / Urban Society……The problem is not Capitalism, The problem is Industrialization / Urbanization…….The solution is not Communism or Socialism, The solution is Non-Industrial / Non-Urban Society.
Capitalism, Communism or Socialism does not matter at all……..What matters is percentage of Urban Population……A Socialist Industrial Society with 80% Urban Population will be as Harmful, Destructive and Evil as a Capitalist Industrial Society with 80% Urban Population…… A Communist Industrial Society with 80% Urban Population will be as Harmful, Destructive and Evil as a Capitalist Industrial Society with 80% Urban Population.
Urban Population is responsible for consumerism…….Urban Population does not produce Food…..It produces thousands of Consumer Goods and Services.
Consumerism is directly proportional to Percentage of Urban Population.
Saving environment in Industrial Society is an impossibility……No Industrial Society can save environment…….Communist or Socialist Industrial Societies cannot be less destructive than Capitalist Industrial Societies.
There cannot be any sustainable Industrial Society……..The fault does not lie in Capitalism…..The fault lies in Industrialization…..All Industrial Societies are the same…..All Industrial Societies are equally harmful, destructive and evil.
Destruction of environment is guaranteed in Industrial Society……The debate over Capitalism, Communism and Socialism in the context of Environmental Crisis is meaningless and absurd.
Industrialization , Urbanization and Consumerism go hand in hand……They happen together.
Today 50% of world population is Urban, living in cities…… 50% of world population is producing food for entire population and the remaining 50% population living in Cities is primarily engaged in production and marketing of thousands of consumer goods and services……..Urban population is not producing food, it is producing consumer goods and services…….Even if the entire world is made Communist or Socialist it is not going to bring about any change in consumerism because the percentage of Urban Population will remain the same and it will continue producing and marketing thousands of consumer goods and services.
In America 90 – 95% of population is Urban……That is why consumerism is so rampant in the US……Even if America is made Communist or Socialist it is not going to reduce consumerism because the percentage of Urban Population would still remain the same.
In Europe 80 – 90% of population is Urban.
In China and India consumerism has risen exponentially with the increase in percentage of Urban Population.
Capitalism, Communism or Socialism does not matter…….What matters is Industrialization and Urbanization which results in Consumerism.
This planet cannot sustain Industrial Urban Population…….This planet cannot sustain a society that does not produce its own food.
This planet can sustain a Hunter_Gatherer Society or an Agrarian Society where almost the entire population is engaged in "searching for food" / producing food……This planet cannot sustain an Industrial Society where 50% of population is producing food for entire population and the remaining 50% population is producing thousands of consumer goods and services.
Industrial Society has existed for barely 250 years which comes to almost Zero Percent of Total Human Existence on earth….Humans have spent more than 99.99% of their time on earth in Non-Industrial Societies [Hunter_Gatherer and Agrarian]…..Industrial Society is an Anomaly….Only Non-Industrial Societies are sustainable.
A pure non-industrial society is not possible now because Industrialization has increased world population to 7 billion…….World population increased from 1 billion in 1800 to 7 billion in just about 200 years after industrialization…….In the absence of industrialization world population would have been less than 2 billion today.
If we want to save the remaining environment we must minimize the things that are destroying environment.
At present we are destroying environment for Food, Clothing, Shelter plus Thousands of Industrial consumer goods and services.
We must eliminate the things that were added last to the list……which means Thousands of consumer goods and services, most of which have existed for only about 100 years out of Hundreds of Thousands of years of Total Human Existence on earth ………these have to be eliminated or minimized.
We are approaching Environmental Apocalypse…….The only way to save the remaining environment is by stopping Industrial Activity for production of consumer goods and services immediately……..Industrial Activity must be primarily limited to food, clothing and shelter…….and even in these three fields production and consumption must be kept to the minimum.
Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
The five small storks from Przygodzice going well
Welcome to watch them on you could see some short videos… [at least some clips removed from youtube since this post]:
White Stork in Poland Przygodzice – live"Close to Storks" project – 2011The 5th small storks in Przygodzice was hatched 14 May 2011.Short video with this important moment were here:Przygodzice nest cam – until now there are 4 hatched small storks and still waiting for the 5th (must be soon).14 April 2011 – 5 eggs in Przygodzice nest at 00:36.
I wish them good luck and nice small White Storks.
"Close to Storks" project 2011
9 April 2011 – 9.09 p.m. – the 3rd eggShort video is here: with 3 eggs: storks from Przygodzice have a second egg! For the first time we see the egg on 7th April 2011 at 10:18 p.m.More about you can read here:Short video from the moment when female show the 2nd egg is here: We are waiting for the third egg on 9 April evening and you are welcome to join all that with us here: regardsEva StetsLove Nature and Nature will love you back. We get vitamins from trees, medicines from plants and natural fragance from flowers. Sadly, enormous illegal logging are unstoppable
Culture and lifestyle affects our planet. We still have time to change and prioritize preserving the nature. Healthy living starts with cutting smoking habits, planting trees and avoid using plastics.
The stork's couple from nest in Przygodzice are well and moult (as you can see). Everyday they are in the nest in the morning and the evening – every night they are come back to the nest.Photo taken 27 VI 2010 from with best wishes to allEvaAs you can see on the pictures the adults Storks in our nest in Przygodzice are well and they are in the nest many times by day and every night.I think, that is also very interesting to observe what doing the adults the time, when in some another nest is breeding season. I hope, you will like it to.You can enjoy them for 24h on regardsEva StetsHello!
On Greek website of the Hellenic Wildlife Hospital (EKPAZ) ( ) there is my short article about our storks including the story of the male stork, called from last year "Aggressor" (ringed as an adult by Pawel T. Dolata with ELSA tarsus ring last spring).The text was earlier (25 April) published in Greek (therefore it covers events up to the 5th egg).
Few days ago, it was also translated into English.
The link is: regards
Eva Stets
25 May 2010 adults Storks are well:More information's about this what happen one week ago – you can read here:Best regardsEva StetsMore you can read in English:
Videos what happen is here:
The adults come back at night to the nest.Only one, what is sure – the help from coordinator of the project, Mr Pawel T. Dolata was all what we can do.
This is Nature sometime and here the winner was the bad weather…
Best regards
The news from our nest is not so good…13 May we lost one from the chicks (the younger) and 14 May the second.We hope that the another 3 small storks will be good.Videos with the sad moments you can see on: the picture, the parents, dirty and wet from the rain, trying to keep warm them youngs.Hello!
Very nice information about our project you can read here (Zbychur post):
RegardsEva Stets
11 May 2010 – very early mornig has hatched the 5th and the last our small stork.Some few picture you can see here:Short video you can see here:So, now we will see how they going. Welcome to watch them on: regards to allEva Stets
8th of May, the fourth chick has been hatched. We had not much opportunity to watch hatching as the egg was covered up by the other three chicks.
Now we are looking forward to the hatching of the fifth egg.
Some pictures and videos from 8 May you can see on:
9 May, early morning we are waiting now for the 5th and the last chick. On the photo you can see on the 5th egg small little "hole" / "shadow", so we hope to see soon the another small.
Let's see it together on
Best regards
Eva Stets
7 May 2010, after 14.00h The third chick has hatched
You can see some photos and videos here:Now we will waiting for the 4th chick on Stets
7 May 2010 early morning and we are waiting for the 3th stork chick. On the photo you can see two small end one from the eggs with some little "hole" / "shadow"…More about you can read also on: regardsEva StetsMember of the "Close to Storks" projectAs I write in post up: 6 May 2010, 4.08 morning – The first chick hatched
After few houers the second small strok has hatched. It was the same day – 6 May 2010 and 12:35 (Polish time)
So, now will waiting for the 3th small stork on:
You can see some picture from the moments with the second chick here:
Also video you can see here:
Best regards
Eva Stets
Now, after few days we will wait for the small storks.
We can wait the young’s storks hatching 33-35 days after when the 1st egg was laying.
For example years before was:
2006 – The 1st chick was hatched after 34 days
2007 – after 35 days
2008 – after 35
2009 – after 34 days.
This year the 1st egg was laying on 1 April, so as you can see – the date to see the small storks is near.
As I write up the young's will hatching 33-35 days after when the 1st egg was laying, so it can be from 3-5 May for the first small.
Until this nice moment we have to wait and see what will happen
I wish you good observations on
Down is a links to some photos with care (yet) of the eggs:
Best regards
Eva Stets
As you can understand from last post up – the new couple decided to stay in our nest for the present breeding season and soon the female laying five eggs (any second day, between 48-50 h)
– The 1st egg was observed for the first time on 1st April, 21:28h, you can see photos on:
– The 2nd egg was observed for the first time on 3rd April, 21:26h, photos on:
– The 3rd egg has been noticed on 5 April 2010, 20:50h
Some photos you can see here:
– The 4th egg has been noticed on 7 April 2010, 21:37h
Pictures you can see on:
Short videos you can see on:
– The 5th egg has been noticed on 9 April 2010, 23:53h
Photos and video you can see on:
In our Stork site you click for the British flag, after you can read some more about the project "Close to Storks" with some information's from the past and this season.
Also in this site (little down) is a date from any laying eggs this year. If you click on any date – you can see some more – the post is in polish, but there is also many photos to see all – how was all the procedure with any eggs this year.
Here I pas few links to some nice photos from the nest:
Best regards
Eva Stets
Time pass so quickly from my last news and we have nice observations’ of our Storks from the site , but here first I must to write something more about our Storks in Poland , in Przygodzice.
After re sighting of the ELSA ring number by telescope on 27th March, Pawel T. Dolata was a 100% sure, that our new male is last-year bird called "Aggressor" ringed as adult by me (ELSA tarsus ring) last spring after unsuccessful attack for this nest and previous owners. You can read about in my posts from last year ( or see also with date: 16.07.2009 on link:
On Tsech ornithology site but in English version – you can read very interesting article of the coordinator of our project, Mr. Pawel T. Dolata about our storks and what was last year with the male who is this year in our nest. There are some photos from now and before (I hope you will like it):
On link photos here you can see the male with black ring and how easy is now to recognize the couple:
Best regards
Eva Stets
Member of the project “Close to Storks”
To finish our strork story from Przygodzice for 2009.
Here are a few infos about some significant events of the end of the 2009 season.
25th July – all the storklets were flying (the nest was empty for a longer time).
1st and 2nd August – the meeting (rally) of enthusiasts of storks was held in Przygodzice, in which, in addition to the organizers and speakers, many storks’ fans from different parts of Poland participated. Below, a link to the gallery PWG OTOP, where one can see photos from the rally:
9th August – early morning two young storks were seen in the nest for the last time. Then, they probably joined other youngsters from various local nests gathering somewhere on the meadow in a large group before leaving for Africa.
25th August – at 7:51 – the last (adult) stork, flew away
Down one photo, from Poland, from our meeting in Przygodzice.
Best regards to all from our team
Hi one more time!
19 July 2009, after 12.00 PM we note our storks to fly for first time. It was really a short time flight, but the bird was out from the nest more than 2 minutes.
For longer time flights we are waiting day by day to see slowly all the storks to fly and after…empty nest.
Enjoy them in: as they are stil in the nest.Best regards
Eva StetsP.S.
1 – Some photos from the initial flights you can see here:
2 – On 19 July the Aggressor came at the evening but one from the parents throw him out quickly immediately.
3 – Down are photos taken on 20 July, when the youngs try to test their wings strenth.White Stork in Poland – live –
Few more words to last post (read up the story with the strange stork):
The Aggressor don’t come the last two nights to our nest, so as you can see – the storks are quite. We cannot to know if the strange stork will come back again (but it is possible).
Down is some photos how they try to throw the strange, adult stork. It was at 16 VII early morning.
You can see also the action in short video here: the way – our youngs is ready to fly. They are now in 10 week from the day when first was hatched. So is good to try to see them, may be you will have the luck to see the first fly of them.
Best regards
Eva StetsStrange White stork in our nest
The last two nights (14/15 and 15/16 July) we have very strange and interesting situation – one adult, alien stork spent these nights on the monitored nest in Przygodzice, together with 3 our nestlings, when both their adults stayed all the nights on the neighbouring chimney, their normal summer roosting place. In both mornings alien stork flow away from the nest in early morning, polish time (15.7 on 4.12 am, 16.7 on 4.40 am), after attacks of young and adult storks.
According to the ELSA type ornithological ring number (resighted by the telescope this morning by Janina Bartuzi, Wojtek Kaźmierczak and me), we know that alien stork is an adult stork called „Aggressor” with interesting story – it unsuccessfully attacked our nest in April, after the beatting by one of our adults and falling on the roof under the nest was injured in the breast and wing. After veterinary consultation by Vet. Dr Stanisław Kempa and a first trying of releasing, „Aggressor” spend two weeks of rehabilitation on the garden od Dr Kempa in Ostrów Wielkopolski town (ca 8 km N from Przygodzice), with two other storks unable to fly. Dr Kempa is delivering them the food, but they are free in the garden. „Aggressor” flow away itself from the garden on 15th May.
As we see, he return to Przygodzice nest as the „Guest” more than „Aggressor” now
Let’s observe our nest this and the next nights, maybe Guest/Aggressor will come to the nest too!
Best regards
Paweł T. Dolata
Coordinator of „Close to Storks” PwG OTOP projectHi, once more!
Our three young storks: Zosia, Barycz, and Czwartak, were ringed on 27 VI 2009. The ringing action started shortly after 12 AM (CET). It could be carried thanks to the help of local volunteer fire-fighting unit, which agreed to share their car (together with the crew) with the special “crane”. However, there was a danger that the fire engine may be mired down in the wet meadow ground, because for many days there were heavy rains in Poland. But, fortunately, everything went smoothly.
The project coordinator, Pawel T. Dolata, who is also the professional bird ringer, approached to the nest on the crane and took down all storklets. Just before that, the parent gone on the nearby roof and from there watched the event.
On the ground storks were weighed, measured (beaks and wings), and then black-white rings, ELSA type, were attached to their legs over knees. Ringing has been done on the ground under the nest, because it is safer for young storks, and it is much easier to check if any dangerous things there are in the nest – strings, fishing line, etc. When all these operations were completed, storklets had been taken to the nest again, and for some time they still played to be “dead”. The action lasted 31 minutes and after next 25 minutes adult stork joined her children.
More photos you can see here (page 1 and 2):
To see a short videos from the how it was you can click: here
From several days all three storklets actively exercise their wings preparing for their first flights. Time passes quickly and soon they begin to fly, and in the first decade of August they leave the nest to fly to Africa.
Welcome to watch them with us on !
Best regards
Eva Stets & Lucyna Ciesielska- AuthorPosts