Category Conservation

Articles on conservation issues, such as on birds in east Asia, forest conservation in Kalimantan, bird flu and wild birds, and the sad tale of the South China Tiger.

On highly pathogenic avian flu issue, Birdlife should be voice of wild birds not defer to poultry industry

Email I’ve just sent Birdlife International, in response to a rather bland email from them to supporters about avian flu, and a follow up after I sent brief email enquiry in response [added headings to help make this an online article]: Wild birds too readily scapegoated for causing…

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Japanese Yellow Bunting merits concern regarding status with low numbers recorded and vulnerability to trapping

After I saw two Japanese Yellow Buntings (aka simply Yellow Buntings Emberiza sulphurata) in Hong Kong this spring, I happened to notice that Birdlife has changed the species’ status from Vulnerable – as it was from 1994 to 2016, to Least Concern in 2022. This surprised me: after…

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Confessions of a crazy conservationist

I’m not quite so sure now, but I also think you appreciate living in a world where there are places of outstanding natural beauty, and where tigers prowl jungles, polar bears hunt on Arctic ice floes, pandas roam bamboo forests, and sharks patrol reefs, helping keep ecosystems in balance. If you have children, you hope they and their children can grow and live in a similar world.

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Turtle Park, Malaysia

Green turtle conservation on Pulau Selingaan, Sabah, Malaysia. Conservationists are helping to save these amazing relics of the past To the Rescue of Asia’s Endangered Turtles The night sky is full of stars and a warm breeze is blowing in across the Sulu Sea. On the beach the…

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